The Ancient The New The Faraway
wednesday october 15 2025 | 8.30 pm
oratorio di san filippo neri
I Bassifondi Ensemble
Simone Vallerotonda
lute, conductor
Gaia Petrone
Valeria La Grotta
Francesca Boncompagni

Alessandro Scarlatti passed away exactly three centuries ago, and this anniversary is bringing some of his forgotten masterpieces to light. Among these is undoubtedly the serenade for three voices Clori, Lidia e Filli, probably performed in Naples on June 2, 1701, during the Feast of Corpus Christi, and then lost to oblivion. Its rediscovery is due to the curiosity and creativity of Simone Vallerotonda, one of Italy’s leading lutenists, who presents it in its modern premiere with Bassifondi, the ensemble he founded in 2017 to bring Baroque music for string instruments and basso continuo back into the spotlight. A winning bet.
Alessandro Scarlatti: Clori, Lidia e Filli (serenade for three voices with violins and lute)
Modern world premiere
Prezzi Biglietti | |
POSTO UNICO | € 22 |
GIOVANI UNDER 35 | € 10 |
*The full list of discounts and concessions is available on the Ticket Information page of the website.
**Prices exclude presale fees and online purchase commissions.
oratorio di san filippo neri