Pianofortissimo&Talents 2023
Pianofortissimo&Talents 2023
Pianofortissimo & Talens 2023, among the opening events in the Bologna Estate program and expression of the renewed collaboration between Bologna Festival and Inedita, presents an interesting range of musical proposals that see classical declined in a multifaceted range of interpretative forms and instrumental formations . Eleven concerts, from 6 June to 6 July, will enliven the monumental contexts among the most identifying in the city and venues of the exhibition, with the Cortile dell’Archiginnasio, a spectacular backdrop for the Pianofortissimo and the thirteenth-century cloister of the Basilica of Santo Stefano, to welcome Talenti. The format that guides the programming remains unchanged, aimed at the most attentive search for young artists, promising new generation pianists and chamber musicians, protagonists and winners of the most selective European competitions: a “planet” from which confirmations of the surprising artistic maturity of phenomena hardly more than adolescents. In the Talenti concerts, a variety of traditional chamber ensembles follow one another, crossing even the most unusual timbre of a trio made up of flute, viola and harp. We will listen to some of the most consolidated pieces of the chamber repertoire from these young performers with some excursions into less frequented territories of evocative emotional impact: from the classic String Quartet by Haydn to the contemporary Trio for flute, viola and harp by Murray Schafer, to grasp in all its variety is the soundscape that surrounds us.