Bologna Festival 2022 | Press Conference
Saturday 12 February at 11 a.m., at the headquarter of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, the press conference introducing the new season of Bologna Festival.
Speakers: Federico Stame President of Bologna Festival, Maddalena da Lisca Superintendent and Artistic Director of Bologna Festival, Matteo Lepore Mayor of Bologna, Elena Di Gioia Delegate of the Mayor for Culture of Bologna and Metropolitan City.
Discover the Bologna Festival 2022 season
The 41st edition of Bologna Festival in its series Great Performers will be rich in symphonic proposals. The most important European orchestras will take turns on the stage of Teatro Manzoni in May. A musical May of great appeal with conductors and soloists among the most famous and beloved by the public. In addition to the usual subscription formulas, 3-concert Carnets for Great Performers will be available. Discover the new season, online from tomorrow, and pick your concert.